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Theory and Teaching Suggestions according to the Subject Bank (2022-23 Edition)
The new educational book MODERN GREEK 2nd grade High School – Theory and Teaching Suggestions for the Unified Examination
of Modern Greek Language and Literature is a complete targeted teaching proposal
in the new evaluation method [Government Gazette 4134/09/09/2021] and in the material of the Subject Bank of Graded Difficulty.
It is organized in two (2) axes:
1. Modern Greek Language and Literature: The Theory [examples, applications and exercises drawn from
from texts of the Subject Bank], structured in the four (4) subjects of the Single Examination Competition:
The First Theme
• 1st sub-question: Informational comprehension question or Summary expression of opinions
• 2nd sub-question: The organization of speech
• 3rd sub-question: The language of the text
The Second Topic Speech production
The Third Theme The language of the literary text
The Fourth Theme Interpretive Commentary & Personal Response to the Literary Text
2. Forty (40) Teaching Proposals and twenty (20) Thematic Units. Every Teaching Proposal
is organized based on the Subject Bank Texts and includes:
A. Proposed theory – Points of focus
B. Evaluation Criterion [40 in total]
C. Exercises / Applications to the proposed theory [400 in total]
Dimensions | 21 × 29 cm |
Cover | Soft Cover |
ISBN | 978-960-563-493-3 |
Pages | 568 + 248 |
Language | Greek |