Frosso felt her heart beating irregularly. Something inside her was telling her not to accept that gift… But at the same moment Miltiadis hurriedly passed the precious jewelry in her hand. She looked at it for a moment as if enchanted and then whispered: “No… You better keep it… to give it to the woman you will love”. Before she could save her words, Miltiadis’s hands pulled her tightly into his arms and his desperate kiss took her breath away…

Year 1798. In the Turkish-occupied Tinos, the second son of George Skarlatos, Miltiadis, was born. A creature marked by fate for great achievements, at a young age will be thrown with momentum into the Sacred Struggle of his people for the coveted Freedom. There are two great desires of his heart: to see his homeland liberated from the unbearable Turkish occupation, and to be able to finally erase from his heart that torturous, unrequited love for his brother’s beautiful wife. However…

A booty that will fall into the hands of Miltiadis will unexpectedly overturn his life.

It is a ring tied to the curse of the woman who wore it… And this curse will haunt his life, and will change the course, not only of his family, but also of the generations that will follow…
A fascinating novel of an era with rich plot and action that keeps the reader’s interest undiminished until the last page.

(From the back cover of the book)

Dimensions14 × 20 cm

Soft Cover








December 2019