A young woman, desperate for the unjust loss of her seventeen-year-old daughter, takes over the investigation to find the culprits of her death, when the law files the case. The failure of justice to find the culprits results in her emotional crushing, but at the same time the fresh memory of her child gives her strength and courage, forcing her to stubbornly continue the search herself. The obstacles she encounters seem insurmountable, she is tested hard and she is in danger herself. She is even in danger of being imprisoned. Will she manage to get even the moral satisfaction she seeks, or will she perish in the hard and dangerous circuits in which she dares to penetrate?

The heroes of the book are everyday, but not ordinary people. They move in a world that hides intrigue, secrets, hatred, heinous crimes and brutal punishments.

(From the back cover of the book)

Dimensions14 × 21 cm

Soft Cover








October 2020